The Middle Ages

experience up close

Medieval markets at the Ronneburg

As has been the case for many years, our well-known and popular medieval markets take place at Ronneburg Castle. During these historic markets, the castle and the surrounding area are transformed into a vibrant marketplace with a variety of attractions, merchants, taverns, craftsmen, jugglers and musicians. The colorful market hustle and bustle with its offers encourages everyone to participate and takes the castle back to the times of its origin. Here the visitors experience history.

Easter market
2 Wochenenden vor Ostern
‍Unsere Marktsaison beginnt jedes Jahr mit dem Ostermarkt, welcher an den beiden Wochenenden vor Ostern stattfindet. Viele kleine und große Stände mit Kunsthandwerk und Leckereien laden zum Stöbern und Flanieren ein.
May Market & Walpurgis Night
Ein Wochenende um den 01. Mai
‍Mit der Walpurgisnacht veranstalten wir wieder einen mittelalterlichen Maimarkt, an dem sich viele historische Händler und Handwerker fast ausgestorbener Zünfte einfinden. Waffen- und Messerschmiede, Keramiker, Sattler, Töpfer, Spinnerin, Gewandschneider, Seifensieder, Bogenbauer, Glasbläser, Löffelschnitzer, Buchbinder und Schuhmacher können bei der Ausübung alter Handwerkskunst bestaunt werden.
Knights tournament at Whitsun
At Pentecost
At Pentecost the great "Knights' Tournament at Pentecost" takes place, where knights fight for glory on horseback or in duels on the ground - this is a particularly colorful and glorious experience for all knights, squires, castle maidens and princesses.
Castle Festival
Beginning of October
After a small summer break with theater and castle revivals, the "Castle Festival" takes place at the end of September / beginning of October, celebrating the many facets and eras of the castle - a large medieval market, a large army camp, demonstrating (art) craftsmen, children's programs, jugglers and music. A festival for all the senses, in honor of the castle and its many friends and helpers.
Christmas market
1st, 2nd & 3rd Advent weekend
To end the year, our wonderful romantic Christmas market takes place on the first three Advent weekends. Throughout the castle, countless small stalls will then fill the rooms and provide an exquisite treat for the palate with mulled wine, waffles and many other delicious "specialties".
All dates for our events can be found here:
Calendar of events